Episode #16: Stress Cycle, Connection and Rest

Today we take inspiration from the Burnout book sweeping the nation and talk about the stress cycle and the importance of connection and rest. This is a casual podcast walking through some aspects to consider in caring for ourselves as individuals, educators, therapists and parents. Let’s commit to being kind and compassionate to ourselves and others and….complete the stress cycle!

3 Components of Burnout (coined by Herbert Freudenerger in 1975)

  • Emotional exhaustion

  • Depersonalization

  • Decreased send of accomplishment

Stress vs. Stressor

  • Stress: neurological and physiological response when you encounter a stressor (often includes heightened awareness, increased heart rate and blood pressure, etc.).

  • Stressor: what activates the stress response in the body (anything you see, hear, smell, touch, taste or even imagine that could harm you)

    • External stressors may be: work, family, cultural norms and expectations, experiences of discrimination, etc..

    • Internal stressors may be: self-criticism, body image, identity, etc…

How to complete the stress cycle:

  1. Physical Movement (~ 20-60 minutes most days of the week)

  2. Deep Breathing (deep, slow breathing being sure to breath all the way out until your belly contracts) - this can down regulate the stress response

  3. Positive Social Interaction

  4. Laughter - full belly, can’t breath laughter

  5. Affection - deep connection with a loving presence (20 second hug; 6 second kiss, etc.)

  6. A Big Ol’ Cry

  7. Creative Expression

Show Notes

Inspirational Book - Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski PhD and Amelia Nagoski DMA

Soundscaping Source - elder care, support for music therapists, and more!

Podcasts to hear them talk about the book: