For today let’s go back to the idea of oscillating between connection and the same pattern we need to oscillate between work and rest. We will dig into the research behind rest and the profoundly unfortunate things that happen we we don’t rest in another podcast, but for now….it is important. It is the first thing many of us forget and it is the most important aspect of preventing burnout and living quite honestly a healthy and fullfilling life. Our bodies are meant to rest…..we NEED to rest. If we don’t rest, our bodies will take it….so let’s be kind to ourselves and rest. The recommended amount is estimated 8 hours/day. Some days it might be closer to 7 where others are closer to 9, but an average of 8 hours/day is ideal!
Read MoreWe can and should probably assume that everyone we encounter has some level of trauma. That includes ourselves and others. From the research found by the CDC in the well known ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study reported that 64% of those surveyed had at least one incidence of trauma. That is roughly 2/3rds of the general population had some experience of adverse childhood trauma (including, but not limited to, domestic violence, neglect, maltreament, divorce, abuse, and others. Why is this so important? Because these adverse experiences can impact the individual’s ability to function. It affects the rest of their life!
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